Sponge Float with Plastic Handle A56101 | Lightweight and Easy to Use | Suitable for Tile Cleaning
Tile Caulking Trowel Builders Masons Plastering Sponge Trowel Bricklayer Tool For Caulking Concrete Stucco Finish Sponge Float
Tile Caulking Trowel Builders Masons Plastering Sponge Trowel Bricklayer Tool For Caulking Concrete Stucco Finish Sponge Float
A squeegee is typically used to remove excess water or other liquids from tile surface after it has been washed or cleaned.
Scouring pad set with handle. Includes fine, medium, and course pads. Ideal for removing grout haze and wax from tiles.
Cellulose Sponge wipes dirt and grease quickly with its soft, highly abosorbent and non-scratch surface.
Ideal for removing excess grout ,cleanning the tile surface.